Lawrence Tai 戴履宙
ANFT美國自然及森林療癒協會(Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides & Programs) 森林療癒嚮導 Forest Bathing Guide
YTT -200陰陽瑜伽導師 Yin Yang Yoga Teacher
TTC- 50瑜伽治療導師 Yoga Therapy Teacher
銅鑼浴與頌缽聲療 導師 Gong bath and Singing Bowl Healing Teacher
呼吸法導師 Breathework Instructor
ACE 美國運動委員會(American Council on Exercise)私人教練 Certified Personal Trainer
動物流二級教練與地區領袖 Animal Flow Level II Instructor & Regional Leader
疫情係一個轉捩點,其間見證太多人需要不同身心支援。毅然決定辭職,跟隨自己一直既興趣,全職自由人同大家分享唔同身體既鍛鍊,心靈滋養既活動。相信身體與心靈相通 透過與大自然 與自己既相處 可以令人搵回真我與成長。
係依一段旅程,感恩有機會與不同品牌、辦公室、酒店、學校、非政府組織合作,為不同群體帶黎分享與新體驗。希望有緣 未來能與你既團體相遇。
Used to be flight attendant, also worked in government for almost ten years, kept seeking the life goal and passion.
Practicing in yoga, animal flow, streetworkout, sound healing and forest bathing etc for so long , I found that there’s much more in life that we can experience and grow. I enjoy how I connect myself, nature and community through all these different wellness activities.
Covid is a changing time for me. A wake up call to me that why I don’t share what I learned so far to people instead of keeping myself in front of the computer in office. There is so much need in the society among different group of people. I believe that our body, emotions, mental health are all interrelated. Through exploring in nature, practicing with our body, this is the way to bring us back to our divine.
Thanks to the trust from different NGO, hotel, brand, office, school, I have the opportunities to share my passion on the wellness area with their community. Hope there is chance coming up I can also bring the experience to you.
Youth HK 季刊 23年春訪問
interview from Youth HK Magazine Spring 23
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